Friday, July 12, 2013

Prairie Corner Farm - the barn, the cats, the mutt

Last week I published our main page for Prairie Corner Farm from our family website to the blog (did you miss the link? here it is --> Click on "pets" and "prairie corner farm" to meet our horses.)

This week I was pawing through the photos I had already uploaded to Google from last July's "barn cleaning" during our epic Midwestern drought and thought it might be fun to publish them.

Enjoy the photos of Prairie Corner Farm from July 2012!

Barn cleaning, too hot to ride

Barn cleaning, too hot to ride

Piling stuff outside - dead grass, epic drought

Agent says: "You are doing it wrong!"

Roscoe says: "Ball! Ball! Ball?"

Penny says: "I am a cute kidden"

Barn is clean

Barn is clean

Barn is clean
Guess who's back? Back again?
Bob Brown is back!



Penny! (and Kane)

Roscoe will follow Agent where-ever he goes

Cat days of summer!

Hey! Play with me!

No, I will not play...

... with you!

Roscoe taunting Agent, or Agent taunting Roscoe .... whichever

"yeah, well, you are doing it wrong"
Penny! and Agent

Ye Olde Farm Dog
You are a dog and I am a kidden, so that makes me boss, get it?

Roscoe and Penny!

Penny! just 3 months old


Mutt and kidden!

He's really rollin' out the red carpet here!


Dax ogling Sugar

Dax and Sugar enjoying some canoodling

mmm ... love you! ... mmm

Stall cleaners

Lovag in his psychedelic mask

The peepers - we have a nest or two every July

The peepers

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